Install SciPy

How to install SciPy on Windows, Linux and MacOS

There are some ways to install SciPy. This guide will show you how to install SciPy on Windows, Linux and macOS platform.

Scientific Python distributions

The easiest way to install SciPy is download the coressponding install bundle one of these below distribution. Mose of them support Windows, Linux and macOS

  • Anaconda: The Most Popular Python Data Science Distribution. There are distributions for Windows, Linux and macOS, chose one that match your system. Download and install it.

  • WinPython: A free Python-distribution for Windows platform, including prebuilt packages for Scientific Python. Of course, Linux and macOS user can not use this distribution.

  • Python(x,y): Python(x,y) is a free scientific and engineering development software for numerical computations, data analysis and data visualization based on Python. It includes SciPy

  • Canopy: Enthought Canopy provides a proven scientific and analytic Python package distribution plus key integrated tools for iterative data analysis, data visualization, and application development.

  • Pyzo: Pyzo is a free and open-source computing environment based on Python. It supports Linux, Windows and macOS.

Installing using pip

Make sure you have Python and pip already installed on your system.

The recommended way is to install SciPy in a virtual environment. You can create a virtual environment to isolate with your system.

Then, you can install SciPy and other prerequi using pip:

    $ pip install numpy scipy matplotlib ipython jupyter pandas sympy nose

This is the recommended way to install SciPy (and any other Python package)

Install as system wide using package manager

Linux user

If you are Linux user, you can use the package manager of your platform in order to install SciPy.

Debian based system

    $ sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy \
    python-matplotlib ipython ipython-notebook python-pandas python-sympy python-nose


    $ sudo dnf install numpy scipy python-matplotlib \
    ipython python-pandas sympy python-nose atlas-devel

Mac user

Install using Macports

Execute this below command in terminal to install SciPy:

    $ sudo port install py35-numpy py35-scipy py35-matplotlib \
    py35-ipython +notebook py35-pandas py35-sympy py35-nose
Last modified October 4, 2020